Why Credit Card Application Could Be Rejected? A Dozen of Reasons
Being allowed to receive a bank card you get an instant notification, but if things go south the procedure changes. Charge institutions are unlikely to inform your Visa request is turned down alternatively, give an adverse notification during 7-10 working days explaining the reason. A failing notice is supposed to deliver the cause of disapproval, and moreover, to render an example of the original call. One may probably find an anticipated solution to the problem below. So instead of wondering, getting lost in thoughts and rethinking credit experience shouldn’t you start looking for the real cause of why your credit card application could be rejected?
Did you have any debts in your background? Your past debt can become a substantial obstacle on the way to receive a loan. So if there are still any left, your paying ability can be called into a question. The most successful way to raise your chances is to pay off all the indebtednesses before trying to make credit card application the next time.
An existing balance is raised over an appropriate amount. Most companies tend to trace certain manipulations from a particular account. In such a case, the usage of the card to the fullest extent isn’t the best idea at all, the same as almost not to use it. You should steer a middle course with approximately 30% of the remaining sum in order to increase the likelihood of success.
The amount of requests in your report exceeds fixed limitations. Do not proceed to obtain the card so quickly. Don’t make several requests simultaneously. Regardless of the fact whether you have been accepted for getting a card or not. According to the legislation, you can submit credit card application plenty of times. As far as slow and steady wins the race, make sure you have minimized the percentage of potential attempts.
You don’t earn enough living. The eminent is commonly empowered with the proxy to evaluate the content of your established salary in order to give you a credit card. The money you make need to correspond to the card’s limitation that you request. The profit demands aren’t reputed, so you are going to decide the sum on your own.
Why credit card application could be rejected?
How many cards do at your disposal now? The fact you have exceeded the standard can impede you from having the next one. As far as the amount of card statement is not limited, the eminent is going to make a decision on his own.
One more thing that can stop you from having a card is a collection or public document. This factor loses its force as time passes, but it also can become a weak point showing up in your report. It can make the company hesitate if your income corresponds with your needs. So make sure you do not have such a problem.
Do you have an expiration in payment? Delay in the statement isn’t the only issue to deal with, the time when you have been expired also matters. You’d better look through your recent payments more precisely, cause the long-standing delays do not play a key role. Credit issuer pays more attention to the exact date of expiration. For instance, three-month late payment can decrease the chances significantly, while several years delinquency won’t be harmful in any way.
Oops! A charge-off was noticed. The further problem you can face while you prepare to receive a card is a debt on your card after you’ve missed payments for throughout a specific time period. The applicant should not have a delayed bill at least for half a year. Inability to cover the sum most likely will negatively affect the chance of getting a checking account.
A long-term relationship with crediting can come in hand, so an experienced applicant has more plausible chances. The fact that you had a lot of credits before or didn’t have any at all can become a tricky issue. You need to have at your disposal single working account during the past half a year, which forms the basis of the credit card application. In this manner, a candidate will ensure his credit solvency. Before sending credit card application make sure that you have a secured card or student card.
Are you an adult? If you are not of the full legal age a candidate is going to face certain problems. He is likely to get a refusal still, some chances to have a credit card remain. Having a job and getting a constant income is likely to make the procedure easier. Having an authorization on your relative’s card is also going to increase your chances.
The entry form is filled in the wrong way. Proofread your entry form precisely again. Has all the necessary details and facts been included? Does your credit card application have several minor mistakes? Such crucial data as birth date or your current place of living is very important. In such a case, you’d better fill the entry form online. Therefore, you’ll not be able to send an entry form unless all the necessary information is filled in, so you can be sure the data is written in the right way.
Have you had enough working experience? A permanent job is a factor that demonstrates a person’s payment capacity. Unemployment proves the opposite. Recruitment period doesn’t guarantee employment as well as it isn’t evidence of your payment ability. Issuers are going to make sure the job is stable and the applicant is employed.
Hope you’ve understood all the reasons why credit card application could be rejected. Make sure your recent credit story is appropriate for getting a card. If you’ve got a rejection letter you will probably get the instruction on how to get a copy of your report with a precise explanation of what you did in a wrong way. Examine the information you’ve got carefully and look for any kind of mistakes mentioned above.
If you are over 18 years of age person, with a needed sum of monthly income, the credit balance is appropriate and your credit history is not too limited, there is absolutely nothing that will stop you from getting a card. In any case, you can use this report to fix the previous mistakes before posting the credit card application one more time.