Home Credit Cards The Best Cash Back Credit Cards 2019. Comparing Here
The Best Cash Back Credit Cards 2019. Comparing Here

The Best Cash Back Credit Cards 2019. Comparing Here


One of the most important advantages of credit cards that makes them so popular is the ability to receive cash back from purchases made by them. In fact, on your purchases you get a discount, which is returned to you later. It is always nice to get additional opportunities to earn a credit or even directly cash that you can spend on your needs or invest them. However, not all credit cards have equally good conditions, so here we will consider the best cash back credit cards 2019 so that you can get the most out of your credit card use.

What is the difference between credit cards that offer their customers to earn cash back from their purchases? There may be quite a few significant differences that can fundamentally change the fact whether you will receive a benefit in your circumstances from a particular credit card or not. Some cash back credit card issuers offer bonus cash back for certain categories of expenses that change on a quarterly basis, others offer the same rate on any purchases, someone else offer the highest rates on any particular category of expenses, and some lenders may combine different cash back systems.

Do not forget that in order to get approval for a majority of cash back credit cards you must have good credit or higher. If you have a low credit rating, then it is worthwhile to start by raising it to at least 700 points in order to have high chances for approval of one of them. To choose the most suitable credit card of the type that will bring you the most benefit, consider our list of best cash back credit cards in 2019, which we have prepared for you.

Citi® Double Cash Card


Citi Double Cash Card offers a two-stage cash back program and encourages cardholders who fully pay their balances on a monthly basis. As long as you make timely monthly payments on the card, at least the minimum payment of $ 25, you are guaranteed to receive 1% of cash back for all relevant purchases that go to your Double Cash account. If you fully repay your balance, the effective cash back rate will reach 2%.

In addition, Citi Double Cash Card is one of the best options for balance transfer, offering an annual interest rate of 0% for 18 months, while the card has no annual fees.

For the transfer of balance charged 3% of the amount of transfer, but not less than $ 5. The commission for foreign operations is 3% of transactions.

Citi Double Cash Card provides Citi® Concierge service, and also offers to use the Citi® Private Pass® program, through which you can get access to VIP-entrance and free access to paid events, as well as tickets before selling to various entertainment services.

Capital One® Quicksilver® Cash Rewards Credit Card



If you plan to use a credit card for a wide range of spending categories, Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards will be one of the best cash back credit cards in 2019 for you. The credit card offers 1.5% cash back for all categories of expenses without restrictions. You can get cash back both on a bank account, and in the form of gift cards or a credit statement.

If you want to use the Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards credit card for balance transfer, you will receive an introductory 0% annual interest rate for 9 months. For the early use of $ 500, you have the opportunity to earn a $ 150 bonus if you do it in the first 3 months from the date of registration of the credit card. You can also set up a repayment of $ 25 per month, including automatic way.

What also makes Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards one of the best options from the best cash back credit cards in 2019 is the lack of annual fees, as well as fees for foreign transactions. In addition, the use of this credit card automatically gives you access to the use of Visa Signature, which gives you the right to exclusive discounts on purchases and preferred places at sports and leisure events, as well as on upgrading the traveling class.

Chase Freedom®


Chase Freedom has no cash back limit of 1% on all purchases, and on purchases in certain quarterly categories, if their amount does not exceed $ 1,500 cash back is 5% of the amount spent by you, subject to category activation until the middle of the month of the previous quarter. In some cases, when promotions are held, cash back can reach 10% in certain categories.

Chase Freedom works with a cumulative point system, where for every one dollar of your expenses you get one point, which equals 1 cent or 5 cents, depending on the category and the percent of cashback return. These points can then be redeemed without minimum cash limits, credit statements or a gift card.

You have the opportunity to receive a bonus for registering a Chase Freedom credit card. To do this, you need to spend $ 500 for the first three months and then you get $ 150. You also get a free weekly report on the status of your credit.

U.S. Bank Cash + ™ Visa Signature® Card


Cash + ™ Visa Signature® Card by U.S. Bank offers great opportunities for earning cash back with its three-stage reward system. Your earnings can be unlimited thanks to this program. For the upper level, you choose any two categories in which you will receive 5% of your expenses up to $ 2,000 in the total expenditure category for the quarter. The next level pays 2% cash back for purchases in one additional category without restrictions.

There are two nuances that should be taken into account: firstly, these categories should not be forgotten activated in advance, otherwise you will receive just a basic 1% cash back for all purchases, and secondly, cash back has a limitation period of 36 months – if you do not use it, then all points will be burned forever.

The added value of a U.S. Cash + ™ Visa Signature® Card. Bank can include a sign-up bonus of $ 150 for $ 500 spent during the first 3 months of holding a card on certain purchases, as well as the absence of an annual fee. In addition, you will receive a concierge service and free loss coverage when you rent a car and pay for it with a Cash + ™ Visa Signature® Card.

If you transfer the balance, which must be made no later than 60 days from the date of the card’s registration, you will receive a 0% discount rate for 12 months. At the end of this period, your APR will be from 16.24 to 25.74% and will depend on your creditworthiness. For a balance transfer, you will need to pay 3%, but no less than $ 5. Also Cash + ™ Visa Signature® Card by U.S. Bank charges from up to 3% for international transactions. The minimum amount to redeem a bonus card is $ 20.

Card Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa®


One of the best cash back credit cards in 2019 is Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa, which offers an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all your expenses. You also get the opportunity to earn a bonus of $ 200 if you spend $ 1,000 in the first three months after registering.

In addition, all purchases through Apple Pay and Android Pay made with Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa® will bring you 1.8% cash back in the first year of use without limits. After the first 12 months, you will receive the same 1.5% for all other expenses. If you already look to the future and use these modern payment systems, then such an offer would be suitable and beneficial for you.

When you transfer your balance, you will receive a zero interest rate for the first 12 months of using Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa®. The cost of the balance transfer during the first year will be 3% of the transfer amount or $ 5, whichever is greater. But you will not have to pay an annual fee, although you will have to pay 3% of its amount for external transactions.

In addition to the advantages of Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa®, you are offered coverage of travel inconvenience, lost or damaged baggage, and protection of your mobile phone up to $ 600.

Discover it® Cash Back


Discover it® Cash Back can rightfully be attributed to the best cash back credit cards in 2019, thanks to an unlimited cash back of 1% for any expenses paid by this credit card, as well as a 5% cash back for expenses in selected quarterly categories up to $ 1,500 in selected categories.

But this is only the beginning. What makes Discover it® Cash Back truly one of the best cash back credit cards in 2019, and even special among them, is that after the first year of using this credit card, Discover automatically doubles your cash back that you earned in the previous year.

When you transfer the balance, you get an introductory APR of 0% for the first 14 months after registration, as well as no penalty for the first overdue payment, free credit reports and the Detect Freeze It feature that allows you to instantly block a credit card with one tap.

You will have to pay for international transactions 3%, for cash advances, which cost at least $ 10 or 5%, as well as, 3% of the balance transfer amount.


As can be seen from everything described above, even the best cash back credit cards in 2019, which offer the most generous options for how to earn cash back, have their limitations. In rare cases, the percentage of cash back exceeds 5%, and this occurs mostly during the promotion. However, other types of credit cards offer much less cash back, or much more stringent conditions that require a lot of attention from the consumer.

Best cash back credit cards in 2019 offer the best conditions for earning cash back and much more opportunities for this. In this list, of course, not all cash back credit cards offering such opportunities are considered, but we have chosen the best in our opinion from those that offer such conditions.

In some cases, you can earn up to 10% or even 20% cashback, as well as improve the situation with your personal finances, thanks to debt consolidation through balance transfer and long periods of an annual interest rate of 0%. However, you should not forget that it is necessary to pay attention not only to cash back figures, but also to all others, such as, for example, the annual interest rate, which can be high enough to create you a big debt.

Keep your finances under control and don’t let tempting offers drag you into debt, let it be your conscious choice. If you have a question of choosing a financial instrument or a financial product, you can write to us to get advice from our financial experts. Read our financial blog to find out how you can effectively manage your personal finances.

Lisa Mcdowell Expert in loans, credit cards, insurances, and your personal, responsive guide to a bright financial future.


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