Home Credit Cards Half Of Travelers Don’t Take Advantage Of Credit Cards For Travelers
Half Of Travelers Don’t Take Advantage Of Credit Cards For Travelers

Half Of Travelers Don’t Take Advantage Of Credit Cards For Travelers


Not all those who travel annually are aware of the additional possibilities of their credit cards for travelers. This is a huge number, as about half of credit card holders go somewhere at least once a year. A survey was conducted in the USA among credit card holders showed that half of them do not have information on travel bonuses, travel rewards and discounts for travelers. These surcharges could help save on travel by taking advantage of the credit cards for travelers provided.

Those who travel annually spend $ 6200 on travel on average. Half of them think that credit cards are a convenient way to pay when traveling, but only slightly less than a third of respondents consider their credit cards to be a great way to save on travel. If you love to travel it would be a big omission not to use such an excellent opportunity for earning and additional savings. To prevent this let’s get acquainted with the opportunities that are available when traveling with credit card holders.

Airlines company frequent flyer cards

There are special bonus cards for passengers who fly frequently. They work on a cumulative basis. Passengers accumulate miles, which they can then apply when buying air tickets. Also, different airlines may offer additional bonuses in the form of free seats in private halls at airports, free drinks or snacks in flight, and the like.


Maps of universal programs for all types of travelers

For travelers who travel by different means of transport, many companies that issue credit cards for travelers provide programs for them. You will receive additional bonuses and benefits not only by flying on airplanes, but also when you go on trains, buses and other modes of transport. You will also receive bonuses when booking hotel rooms and making other travel-related expenses. Many hotel chains cooperate with banks and other credit companies and offer various benefits for credit card holders.

Cards for international travelers

About 30% of respondents surveyed plan to travel abroad during the holidays. Many credit cards offer additional benefits for international travel. Holders of such cards often manage to save money on currency exchange and other operations and the suppliers of such cards offer additional security measures.

Cards for business travel

For people making federal or international business financial companies along with transportation and hotel networks have provided many benefits for business travelers. Such programs allow your business to get a lot of additional opportunities for reinvesting money saved on travel into your business.

Use the right cards while traveling

There are various types of credit cards for travelers that can give you, as a traveler, the added value of your travel. It is worth understanding exactly what your preferences will help you to maximize the benefits of your credit card. When you receive a bonus of 5%, then at an average cost of travel you can save more than 300 US dollars.

You have a lot of opportunities to save or earn extra money on your credit cards for travelers. If you have any questions about any financial issues related to credit cards or other types of credit products, you can read our blog or contact our experts directly by writing to us.

Lisa Mcdowell Expert in loans, credit cards, insurances, and your personal, responsive guide to a bright financial future.